Eight Gigs: Cult Babies
Fri., Oct. 23, 8 p.m., Third Space Art Collective, $5, all ages

Cult Babies' new album, Off to See the Lizard, is seven tracks that alternate between thick, fuzz-heavy progressions to more upbeat, surf-rock moments, such as those found in the song “On a Roll”. The Vancouver band incorporates a theremin into its mood-altering ranks, which adds nice organ tones throughout the entire album. And then there are more dreamy, '60s-inspired garage rock on heavier moments on Sleep (listen to the song “Yes We Cannibal”). Cult Babies embodies the true potential of psych. Join the Cult in Davis with Pastel Dream and Kaz Mirblouk. 946 Olive Drive in Davis, www.facebook.com/cultbabies.