Eight Gigs: Cherry Pitt
Fri., Feb. 6, 8 p.m., The Stag, no cover
There's not a whole lot of information on the Internet about Woodland punk-rock and alt-rock trio Cherry Pitt. It does have one song on its Bandcamp page called “Cut (The Shitty Demo).” It's weird, noisy and intense. Despite the title, “shitty” isn't exactly the best way to describe the song. It's more like a raw, slow-grooving avant-punk primal scream. There is a lot of energy in the song. It has a ton of screaming and emotion, but I wouldn't be so quick to call it angry—more like unhinged and vulnerable. The singer's voice falls somewhere in-between Courtney Love and L7's Donita Sparks. 506 Main Street in Woodland, www.facebook.com/cherrypittband.