Eight Gigs: Breezin'
Sat., April 18, 1:30 p.m., Golden Bear, no cover

It's not really a weekend until you put down your laptop and unwind a little bit. Thankfully, that's exactly what Shaun Slaughter's newest day party (eating, drinking and listening to tunes) will help you to do. At “Breezin': A Sun Drenched Day Party,” Slaughter (pictured) and Adam Jay will spin yacht rock (think '70s and '80s soft rock), “warm” disco, funk and “other mellow jams” while you relax and take advantage of drink specials and grub from Golden Bear. Suggested gear: Hawaiian shirts, sailor hats, boat shoes, pastel shorts. The party ends at 5:30 p.m., and if the afternoon of Breezin' fun goes well, it might become a regular event throughout the summer. 2326 K Street, www.goldenbear916.com.