Eight Gigs: Bob Cheevers
Fri., Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Luna’s Cafe, $10

A 50-year singer-songwriter career is mighty impressive, and that of Bob Cheevers is full of memorable moments: opening for Johnny Cash, singing a television theme song and winning an Emmy among them. It all started in Sacramento, taking off with his monthly Sacramento Songwriters Showcase in the late ’80s. After moving to Nashville and Austin, he’s back home for a two-evening engagement, billed “Bob Cheevers: Family and Friends Night.” Friday’s guests include Brent Bourgeois, David Houston, Lance Taber and Mike Roe. At 5 p.m. Sunday, catch Pat Minor, Chris Ivey and Roger Thomsen. Yay, friends! 1414 16th Street, www.bobcheevers.com.