Eight Gigs: Be Brave Bold Robot
Fri., Jan. 23, 8 p.m., Fox & Goose, $5

Dean Haakenson's lyrical mad genius rears its head once again in Be Brave Bold Robot's fifth album, Press E to Continue. The Kickstarter-funded effort is eclectic, to say the least. Think acoustic folk, full-band jams, covers, electronic-infused tracks and hip-hop. Yes, Haakenson raps. “Grown Ass Man,” a collaboration with Mr. Hooper, totally ain't bad. There's also a sweet and simple, folky ode to Sacramento, with shout-outs to trees, rivers, artists and politicians alike. Anyway, BBBR is ready to celebrate, so things might get weird. Singer-songwriter Justin Farren opens up the show while psychedelic rockers CFR will groove the evening to a close. 1001 R Street www.facebook.com/bebraveboldrobot.