Easy as pi

Sink your finger into Pi Day.
Pi: It’s the ratio between a circle’s circumference and its diameter, or about 3.14. That’s why Pi Day will be celebrated worldwide this Monday, March 14. To celebrate locally, the Sacramento Walking Sticks are holding a 3.14-mile walk (close to a 5K) sanctioned by the American Volkssport Association, a walking appreciation organization. Fittingly, it will begin at 3:14 p.m. at pie store/diner Marie Callender’s in Citrus Heights. Participants looking for more of a workout can also choose to noncompetitively run, walk or jog the 3.14-mile route twice for a total of 6.28 miles, or about 10K. You can even pay $3.14 for official AVA volkswalk credit. The route is slightly hilly, passing through San Juan Park and residential neighborhoods, and it’s wheelchair-, stroller- and dog-friendly. And of course, walkers will socialize and dig into some pie after the event. Forget your pie-in-the-sky plans. Get your pi on with the sticks. For more information on the Walking Sticks, visit www.sacramentowalkingsticks.org. For more information on Pi Day, visit www.piday.org. Marie Callender’s is located at 5525 Sunrise Boulevard in Citrus Heights.