Don’t say Jimmer

What’s my name?
Play-by-play announcer Grant Napear may work for the Sacramento Kings. But he can’t hang out with them. And he doesn’t dare say the “J” word.
Since July 1, as per the NBA lockout, Napear hasn’t even spoken “Jimmer Fredette” on his afternoon KHTK radio program because of a strict no-communication rule in place between players, team officials and employees. Break the policy and face a fine upward of a $1 million.
“It doesn’t really impact my job,” Napear told SN&R while in Los Angeles, “because there’s nothing going on to talk about anyway. I think it’s overblown, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.”
This, of course, is hard to believe. New Kings No. 1 draft pick Fredette is a hot commodity. He gets to golf for free at the Scandia Family Fun Center on Interstate 80. Hundreds welcomed him at his airport arrival and debut press conference. He’s the great white Mormon hope, so to speak, for a franchise lacking perimeter shooters and legit national star power.
In fact, rumors on Sactown Royalty, the Web’s premier Kings blog, accused Napear of violating terms of the NBA’s no-communication agreement last month in Lake Tahoe, when he allegedly interviewed Fredette at a celebrity golf tournament. KHTK producer Jodi Bacon has denied this and stated that it was in fact she who interviewed the former Brigham Young University star.
Napear didn’t comment extensively on the no-communication rule. “I’m sure the league has its reasons,” he told SN&R.
Meanwhile, he can still hang with the Sacto’s favorite Kings from the glory days. “I’m with some former NBA players,” Napear told SN&R. “I’m hanging out with Scot Pollard and Jon Barry now, so I’m allowed to do that.” (Nick Miller)
Port suffers
Although it is no longer facing bankruptcy as it was five years ago, the Port of West Sacramento is still taking a financial hit. According to the Sacramento Business Journal, the West Sacramento facility anticipates losses of $751,000 this year.
Meanwhile, on a recent start to the work week, activity in and around the port limped along. On Industrial Boulevard, a few cargo trucks headed toward Interstate 80. Silos, granaries and warehouses stood quietly, waiting for action.
In the nearby neighborhood, the fast-food restaurants, motels and convenience stores all had a few cars in their parking lots. Among the office parks, there was more than one “for lease” sign.
But if this port’s aggressive plans for the future come through as expected, all of this could turn around. The facility has worked on deepening its channel to allow for bigger ships, plans to be a part of a future marine highway to the Bay Area and has just approved a controversial auto-shredding facility. After clearing the environmental review process (a tough hurdle, see “Don’t shred on me”; SN&R Beats; August 26, 2010) and the city council at the end of July, the auto shredder could break ground this fall.
And Aaron Ellis, a spokesman for the American Association of Port Authorities, also says that, overall, “Volume at U.S. ports is generally up, both in terms of volume and value of cargo being shipped.”
Now Sacramento just needs that rising tide to hit the port in West Sacramento. (Hugh Biggar)