Delta sunshine

Ning Hou, “Wild California,” oil on canvas.
Painter Ning Hou, a native of Shanghai, China, lives in the Sacramento Delta town of Locke. It is a paradise of sorts for this artist, mostly for two reasons. First, the laid-back nature of a small California town, almost hidden from the rest of the world, is a nice break from a bustling city. And second, the scenery is great. You just can’t beat the radiant glow of the sun and openness of the horizon. Nature, by way of the Delta, is what this artist loves to paint. Hou received his early education in the East and, since coming West, has attempted to blend the distinctively different styles of the two regions. With vivid color and a thick brushstroke reminiscent of van Gogh’s, Hou’s paintings are a treat. Beginning Saturday, a solo show of Hou’s works will be on display at the Elliott Fouts Gallery, 4120 Douglas Boulevard No. 305 in Granite Bay. It runs throughout April.