Death descends I-80

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the New Plague is so delightful.
The New Plague, Auburn’s greatest export since Highway 49, plays a distinguished blend of music that could best be described as old-school death metal. Characterized by outlandish song schemes, demonic hate-filled lyrics and just a dash of sloppiness, this band is the undisputed king of Sacramento’s burgeoning metal scene. Though live shows are rare, and releases far and few between, the band will soon excrete Insatiable: An Extreme Manifestation in Demonic Possession, the follow-up to 2002’s highly lauded Shackled and Enslaved. Fans of Possessed, early Death, early Morbid Angel and Impaled should seek out the New Plague on principle alone. The New Plague plays the Roadhouse, located at 1556 Bell Avenue, with Mucus Membrane and Kuru on Saturday at 8 p.m. Admission is $8. Bring earplugs and load up on diet pills—it’s going to be a long night.