Dear beer

Sure, you could guzzle any old beer, but why not something special? I asked Brent Whited, owner of Folsom’s new beer-focused spot Manderes (, for beers worth seeking out:

1. “Deus Brut des Flandres. It’s brewed in Belgium, shipped to France and put through the exact same process as champagne. It has sharp, small bubbles and an incredible smooth taste.”

2. “Next would be Fantôme, a Belgian saison—a very light style beer. Fantôme is from an artisan-type farmhouse brewery, and it’s shipped to the [United States] once a year. It’s one of most sought-after beers on the market.”

3. “I’d have to throw another Belgian in there: Kwak. It’s a full-bodied specialty ale—slightly sweet with a lot of malt character. Some people describe it as almost like a brandy champagne. Incredible.”

4. “Aventinus, out of Germany—that’s a wheat doppelbock, with some incredible spices. With each sip, you’re going to get multiple flavors. It’s a little higher alcohol content, but such a smooth easy-drinking beer.”