Dance Flick

The first human-excretion-to-the-face gag comes 15 seconds into Dance Flick, so give the producers credit for at least drawing a line in the sand for anyone who would expect more. Yet another toothless “spoof” from the Wayans Brothers (a top-secret, Reagan-era military project to confuse and debilitate cloistered North Koreans with contextless American pop-culture references and fart jokes that went rogue during the Clinton administration), Dance Flick replays not just the You Got Served subgenre, but also any recent movie/TV show/commercial with dancing, music or teenagers. Basically, anything that might stir a glimmer of recognition in the coveted 14-29ers, a.k.a. “the stoner belt.” Since Dance Flick predictably chooses flatulence over nihilistic satire, the movie has nothing to hang its hat on besides obvious outrageousness. Thus, Amy Sedaris’ turn as a camel-toed dance teacher with a beatboxing vagina.