Crunch time for West Sac shredder

Hassan Whiteside helps embiggen the Sacramento Kings this year.
West Coast Recycling hopes the third time is the charm for its proposed auto-shredding facility in West Sacramento (see “Heavy metal,” SN&R Frontlines, August 5). The proposal now moves to round three in a series of public meetings. The last round was a beatdown, with West Coast’s plan pummeled for poor preparation and inconsistencies in its environmental impact report.
The concerns are not small ones, since a shoddy facility could have adverse affects on local communities and wildlife. For round three, West Coast and the city will hold two public meetings on the content of the environmental impact report—known as “scoping meetings.” Sounds like a bad first date, but we’ll see. Both meetings take place on October 14, from 4 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 7 p.m., at the West Sacramento Civic Center, Galleria Room 157, 1110 West Capitol Avenue. For more information, visit the West Sacramento website:
Kings media day hoopla
The Sacramento Kings held court on media day last week. Think badly dressed, out-of-shape journalists asking about expectations for the season, players’ roles.
Typical response: “I just have to work hard, do what it takes for the team to win.” Bull Durham’s Crash Davis would be proud.
As players were hustled from television green screens to photo ops to some mysterious place backstage with popcorn and then back again, they did stress common themes—added experience, added size and a deeper bench would all be game changers for this year’s squad.
General manager Geoff Petrie also said he looked forward to having salary-cap room to work with, and along those lines, would continue to be opaque with the Sacto media about his decisions.
Lastly, Samuel Dalembert, who spent his offseason involved in humanitarian work in his native Haiti, showed some unexpected moves.
Asked about what was on his iPod, Dalembert said he loved Michael Jackson music. Then freestyled “Beat It” in falsetto, while mixing in some of his own lyrics about beating the opposition.
Later, trying to move through the media scrum, Dalembert put his hands on the shoulders of his media handler and hunched, following her like a fullback, shouting, “Linebacker! Linebacker!”
Wrong sport, maybe, but right idea for this crowd.