Cowboy poets

Pure poetry.
Mention the word cowboy, and images of rough and tough horse-bound men are sure to enter the mind’s eye. Cowboys wrangle horses, brand cattle, don leather boots and chaps, drink whiskey and write poetry—uh, wait a second! Cowboys write poetry? Yep, and this weekend’s 11th annual Cowpoke Fall Gathering has the proof. Waddie Mitchell, Sourdough Slim, Pat Richardson and Bill Brewster are just a few of the cowboy poets and musicians who will perform as part of the two-day event. Friday’s show kicks off at 7 p.m., and Saturday’s show starts at 1 p.m. Tickets are $30 per day. Proceeds will benefit the South Placer Heritage Foundation, which preserves historic buildings in Placer County. Both events will be held at the Blue Goose Fruit Shed, located at 3550 Taylor Road in Loomis. Purchase tickets by calling (916) 787-0878 or visiting