Cookie monsters
Cookies & Milk plans to offer daytime delivery, and celebrity-favorite Pressed Juicery opens in Roseville.

Illustration by Mark Stivers
Even more cookies: By now, most late-night munchers know about Cookies & Milk, the delivery service that shows up at your house at midnight with warm, fresh-baked cookies.
But some people want cookies while the sun is still up.
Co-owner Will Countryman says Cookies & Milk is looking to expand into daytime hours, hopefully within the next month or two. Currently, Cookies & Milk only delivers from 7 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., Thursday through Saturday.
“We’ve been getting calls during the day for people wanting deliveries for office meetings, birthday parties,” Countryman says.
He imagines businesses and event organizers will place orders online or by phone in advance—currently Countryman and his partner Nick Altman field calls and bake to order.
In December, the pair launched an IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign aimed at opening a retail shop. They quickly decided to ditch it—refunding their two friends who donated $70 total—when Sugar and Spice Specialty Desserts went out of business.
As the two businesses shared a kitchen, Countryman and Altman got a sweet deal on equipment as well as the kitchen to use whenever they please. Now, they’re hiring staff and slowly plugging away on their dream to open a brick-and-mortar downtown. The goal? Provide a space so folks can wander in on a cookie-whim and hang out, and perhaps offer ice cream, ice cream cookie sandwiches and milkshakes. Deliveries would still be a key part of the business, though.
“We feel there’s a lack of a great, fresh-baked cookie company in town,” Countryman says. “We take more risks with our cookies flavors.”
Rotating specials might be as exciting as maple bacon—with thick-cut, candied bacon chunks and pure maple syrup. Oh jeez. Is it 7 p.m. yet?
Well, if Oprah loves it … : Remember when the cold-pressed juice trend was just starting out? We blamed—or thanked—Los Angeles and all those celebrity endorsements. Beloved by Gwen Stefani and Oprah, the pioneering Pressed Juicery has touched down in Sacramento. Roseville, technically. In Fountains, specifically. Because of course. Pressed Juicery Fountains (1182 Roseville Parkway #145) held its grand opening last weekend, offering a mix of veggie and fruit juices created via its custom-made hydraulic press. A 16 fluid-ounce bottle starts at $6.50. Happy cleansing.