Cookie exchange
The holidays are soon upon us, so let me wish a Happy Hanu-Rama-Solsti-Kwan-Mas to you all. Now, many of these holidays are celebrated with some sort of cookie or whatnot, and as much as many of us love to bake whatever traditional family cookie it is we have mastered (or perhaps daring to try something a bit different this year?), one can only bake so many cookies. Cookie exchanges are a great way to see friends and family and acquire an assorted sugar rush at your table.
The idea is simple: Guests make their favorite cookie at home (three or four dozen) and bring them to the party. Everyone then selects a variety of cookies and takes them home to their family. Encourage people to print out recipe cards for their cookies, in case guests want to recreate them at home. It’s easy peasy! Serve copious amounts of wine and perhaps have a game ready to facilitate yuletide joy.
Another option, should you lack a sweet tooth: Try a soup swap. Bring portions of soup frozen in cheap Tupperware and exchange.