Clever comedy

This guy is serious—serious about being funny.
Photo courtesy of PBJ Management
There was a time years ago when Eddie Izzard was a weird, manic English comic who liked to wear dresses on stage (he self-identifies as a transvestite), and mumble out bizarre Monty Python meets Robin Williams free-associative comedy. Izzard has since shown his acting chops, starring in a number of movies and television shows, and he doesn't seem to be wearing dresses much these days, but his humor is still odd, though a bit more refined (only a bit). Now Izzard brings his Force Majeure tour to the states, which he began in Europe in 2013. Force Majeure discusses such topics as human sacrifice, the worship of gods, a story about spoons and a guy named Steve. If this all seems random and unrelated, any fan of Izzard knows that he will connect them with ease, and a lot of high brow (and low brow) absurdist humor. Force Majeure, 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 16; $44.50-$72.25. Community Center Theater, 1301 L Street;