Circling nonsense

Don’t judge this book by its cover.
There’s something captivating about the cover of Jon Dambacher’s latest book, Gyratory Jabber. In fact, the folks at Tower Books and Borders decided to carry the book based solely on it’s cover image—which features Dambacher donning a furry troll costume with a solemn look on his face. Judging from the cover, one might deduce that the works within delve into the world of furries—you know, those wacky individuals with a passion for dressing up like animals. This is not the case. The photo, taken by Ian Cinnamon, has nothing to do with an obsession with anthropomorphic animals. And, while the image may not directly relate to any of the short stories in the collection, it does convey the overall mood of the book. “I’m simply having fun,” explained Dambacher. “I want others to do the same and not take this as my heart-wrenching masterpiece,” he continued. This Sunday, Borders books (4750 Natomas Boulevard) will host a book signing and discussion with Dambacher. The free event kicks off at 7 p.m. Call (916) 515-1944 for more information.