Chocolate-covered protein

It's hard to look at a chocolate-covered Probar Core Cookie Dough protein bar and not think it’s more candy than nutritional bar. However, underneath all the brown sweet stuff and layer of cookie-dough crunch are chia and flax seeds embedded in crispy rice. With 20 grams of protein, it does make a nice after-workout treat, and it’s available in three other flavors—mint chocolate, brownie, peanut butter. Find the Probar at most health-food stores, but at just about any grocery store one can find the similar Clif Builder’s bar. The texture is less gritty (no chia in this one, friends), but it’s fortified with 23 vitamins and minerals, and flavors include mint chocolate, peanut butter, vanilla almond, cookies and cream, and—holy smokes—s’mores.