Centuries of song

Are you down with TPCC? Yeah, you know me.
If the soundtracks to kung-fu movies are the extent of your exposure to Chinese music, then this Saturday’s performance by the Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir is your chance to find out how much more there is to this expansive musical tradition. Of course, those who already enjoy the rich history of Taiwanese and Chinese song will understand how rare a treat this concert promises to be. Touring internationally since 1972, the 35-member choir draws upon thousands of years of Chinese history and the nation’s multiethnic background for their repertoire, performing works that range from thousand-year-old Mongolian folk songs to the latest popular music from Taiwan. The performance is sponsored by the Community Asian Theatre of the Sierra and will take place in the Don Baggett Theatre at Nevada Union High School in Grass Valley at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 for general admission and $8 for children 14 and younger.