Carla plus Carla equals …

Carla Kihlstedt, making like Paganini.
The music page this week may display a sub-rosa Los Angeles vibe, but that’s purely unintentional. It just so happens that right after Stew (see “Resident freak,” page 52) leaves town, the Family Van Tour pulls in to the River City. Onstage at 1020 J this Monday, March 10, is a package featuring three other acts, some of them with L.A. roots. 2 Foot Yard is the most recent project of Carla Kihlstedt, of Tin Hat Trio and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum renown. The Carla Bozulich Review is fronted by its namesake, formerly with the Geraldine Fibbers and Ethyl Meatplow. And El Fay features Lisa Fay, formerly of 7 Year Bitch and Mudwimin. The venue is located at, um, 1020 J Street. The show starts at 8 p.m., admission is $5, and all ages are welcome.