Canine cuisine

Photo By illustration by Mark Stivers
My dog often eats healthier than I do. In addition to a regular dry kibble, we feed him organic salt-free meats, fresh fruits and veggies, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, apples, mangos and peaches. It’s healthy for him, convenient for us (since we often eat the same things), and handy because he eats comfortably sans dog food when we’re traveling with him. We make sure he gets proper nutrition by sticking to a diet much like the one in Rick Woodford’s new book Feed Your Best Friend Better. The book gives simple advice—such as what human foods are good (and bad) for your dog—as well as gourmet recipes for your furry friends. It even has practical advice on what to feed your dog when it’s ill; I agree wholeheartedly with the author’s suggestion of chicken congee—it helps my dog’s upset stomach tremendously.