Cambodian pop

Inoculations are useless against Dengue Fever.
Just when you thought you understood every musical sub-genre, along comes a band that defies categorization. Los Angeles’ Dengue Fever, which blends a wicked concoction of Cambodian pop with not-so-traditional psychedelic fare, is currently on a short West Coast tour in support of the album Escape From Dragon House. The band plays both original songs and Cambodian songs from the 1960s sung in the native Khmer language by vocalist Chhom Nimol. She is backed by a bevy of well-known musicians: Senon Williams from the Radar Bros., David Ralicke from Beck’s band, Zac Holtzman from Dieselhed, Holtzman’s brother Ethan on Farfisa organ, and drummer Paul Smith. Dengue Fever plays the G Street Pub, located at 228 G Street in Davis, on Tuesday with Eat the People as part of KDVS’s weekly music series. DJ Brendan from KDVS will spin modern Southeast Asian music in between. The show starts at 9 p.m., and the cover is $4. If you’re curious about how the band will go over in Davis (as I am), make the sojourn to Yolo County. For the price of an order of num cha gio pale, you can’t beat it.