Omit the Harsh

“Why do I suddenly feel so sleepy?” a co-worker asked from the other side of the SN&R office. “Oh, it’s this CD.” In choosing to do without the harsh on this new, locally produced album, Bucho also omitted many of the upbeat Latin tempos and electrifying horn arrangements that have made the band a must-dance staple for the last five years. Despite vocal punctuation by guest stars like Lydia Pense and rapper Wonway, these tracks plod along in a mellow groove that’s relaxing when it’s not soporific. Unobtrusive jazz-tinged jamming might work for getting down in the bedroom, but the same can’t be said for the dance floor. All of which begs the question: Can Bucho still bring its trademark fiery, feisty fiesta to a live show? Dancehall sleuths can investigate at the band’s CD-release party.