Bring the whole mishpacha

<span style=The MeshugaNutcracker! at the Crest: You’ll laugh until you plotz!">

The MeshugaNutcracker! at the Crest: You’ll laugh until you plotz!

As a certain holiday comes to dominate the calendar, and those of a certain persuasion resign themselves to another night of Chinese food and a movie on the fourth Monday evening of this month, an uncommonly festive cultural event seems in order. Happily, the National Jewish Theatre Festival’s MeshugaNutcracker! will make a Sacramento stop on its West Coast tour.

In this family-friendly tale, a “crazy” cast of Chelmniks (from the fictional town of fools, Chelm) gather for a two-act musical celebration of Chanukah heroes. “No, Tchaikovsky wasn’t Jewish,” the production’s Web site allows, but that doesn’t mean the composer’s timeless melodies can’t still shine with gleefully inventive new lyrics.

The local production boasts a special guest star, but we can’t tell you who it is. Hey, just consider it a mitzvah that we tipped you off to this show at all. December 11, 7 p.m., at the Crest Theatre, 1013 K Street. Tickets range from $30-$42. Call (916) 442-7378 or visit for tickets and information.