Braver than Letterman

Glynis Bell can say the word.
When Calista Flockhart was promoting her off-Broadway performance in The Vagina Monologues on The David Letterman Show, she tried to get Letterman to say “vagina.” Alas, no amount of encouragement or cajoling could persuade him to utter the V-word. Fortunately, we Sacramentans are a little more worldly than that New York television star. We’re not afraid to say “vagina,” are we? Heck! Why not say it now? Wherever you are! Say it while you’re waiting for your double half-caff mocha. Sing the word on the bus on the way home. Shout it in line at the bank: “Vagina!” It’s sort of freeing, isn’t it?
Now that you’re in the spirit, go get tickets to see the North American tour of The Vagina Monologues playing Thursday through Sunday at the Crest Theatre. Broadway actress Glynis Bell and Another World soap star Rhonda Ross will be joined by local celebrities Monica Lowe (mid-day DJ at 100.5 The Zone) and Lisa Ling (host of ABC’s The View and one-time Scratch kid). Tickets are $35-$45. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Thursday, 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Friday, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. 1013 K St. Call 766-2277 or visit or the Crest Theatre Box Office for more information.