Books on Tape
The Business End

Todd Matthew Drootin writes unconventional electronic music aimed at the dance floor, using original and organic beats. One listen to his latest long-player—layered with sequencers, bargain synthesizer rhythms and processors—should convert both drum ’n’ bass enthusiasts and fans of the Warp Records roster. “Grey Matters,” infused with short blasts of keyboard calisthenics, moves along at a brisk pace. Tracks like “Patron Saints III” easily could be mistaken as lost outtakes from Richard Linklater’s movie Slacker. Whether you’re a devout electro-geek or looking for something for that long, midnight drive alone on Interstate 5, Drootin’s latest should work wonders. If noncommittal bass loops and fractured breakbeats make you salivate, The Business End will do the trick.