Boobs, weenies and a movie

Left to right: A tease from Mudhoney, Russ Meyer back in the day with former collaborator Roger Ebert, and an iconic Meyer image from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
I first met Russ Meyer at a screening of Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! in Los Angeles in 1997. I was projecting flicks and often hung out with directors who were lecturing at revival screenings (yes, I was awesome). And, in this case, I was stoked to hear Meyer wax on about Roger Ebert and the legendary critic’s more-than-just-an-obsession for women’s breasts. After this, I lobbied a good friend to write his thesis on cleavage quotient and how it has impacted Ebert’s thumbs up over the years. Anyway, the feature next Thursday, August 18, at the Verge Center for the Arts, Mudhoney, was the flick Meyer made before FP!K!K!; never seen it, but no doubt it fits nicely into Meyer’s nudie action oeuvre (I think the history of cinema term is “sexploitation”?). Anyway, the screening is free and there’s a weenie roast. What more do you want from life?