Best of Sacramento
Multi-ethnic / Multi-cultural / Multisactual

Time magazine called Sacramento the most diverse town in the United States. To reflect this, our Best of Sacramento issue has gone “Multi-ethnic/Multi-cultural/Multisactual.” Our goal with these feature stories, Q-and-As, writers’ picks and annual readers’ poll is to represent each ethnic, cultural or community group within our vast chunk of Central Valley paradise. (Of course, with so many groups to hit, we’re standing by ready to apologize to any we left out - and offer to take their names so we can make sure to include them next time we do something so daunting.) Enjoy!
Best of Sacramento was brought to you by:
Editor Emily Page
Production Editor Nicholas Miller
Associate Copy Editor Shoka Shafiee
Contributors Sena Christian, Matt Coker, Becca Costello, Matthew Craggs, Edward Dunn, Boogie Elmar, Josh Fernandez, Julie Foster, Lien Hoang, Keleigh Friedrich, Cosmo Garvin, Jackson Griffith, Jeff Hudson, Jonathan Kiefer, Estee Lee, Garrett Miller, Nicholas Miller, Kel Munger, Cecelia Brady-O’Quinn, Emily Page, Alexis Raymond, R.V. Scheide, Ryan Soykin, Melinda Welsh
Editorial Assistant Alex Benson
Art Director David Jayne
Associate Art Director Andrew Nilsen
Feature Photography Jeremy Sykes Photography
Photographers Larry Dalton, Anne Stokes
Design Manager Anne Lesemann
Production Coordinator Sharon Wisecarver
Designers Michele Brown, Anne De Govia, Marianne Mancina, Kate Murphy, Jennifer Schellack, Erin Sierchio
Web Kelsey Falle
Design Intern Sarah Hagadorn
Sales Operations/Marketing Manager Veronica Bartell
Ad Services Specialists Jessica LaScola, Amy Nathman
Special thanks to Michael Billingsley for leading the distribution department, Ric Marques for leading the operations department, Kelsey Falle for Web layout, Veronica Bartell for leading the marketing and operations departments, Amy Nathman for assisting editorial with layout, Anne Lesemann for leading the design department, and Sarah Billingsley for leading the sales department.
Cover Design David Jayne
Cover Photography Jeremy Sykes Photography
Cover Models Stacey Pantages, Kasell Youssouph Bodran, Michelle Lee