Best of Sacramento 2002
A trip to here

We have a goal. It is our ambition to get you out of your comfortable nest, so you can explore what is here around you.
No need to go on an adventure travel trip to exotic locales across the globe when you haven’t taken in all that is available in the Sacramento area.
You may think you know all the hip little joints, interesting characters, and quirky nuances of the capital area, but you don’t. You can’t. You need some more eyes and ears prowling around, scouting it out. There’s so much with which to be acquainted, there’s no way you and your crew can know it all.
Let us help.
We want not only to inform, but also to inspire. We want you to see, feel and smell all that falls into the category of Best and then go see for yourself. Our writers have kept journals so as to remember the details of especially interesting people, places and things. Come with us, and we’ll pass our journals on to you. We value our writers’ opinions and unique experiences, and we also value those of our readers. Your votes for the city’s Best things, people and places are counted and are listed in the Ballot areas of each section.
If you are one of those travelers who gets up and goes somewhere on the recommendation of a friend rather than following the herd, then this guide is for you. Now explore us. See what our best has to offer.