Best beyond-creepy doll collection

Antiques & Collectibles Marketplace

The room is packed floor to ceiling, hoarder style, with old dolls. Thousands of unblinking eyes stare back at you. This goes beyond creepy into the arms of awesomeness, and it's one of two rooms at Antique & Collectibles Marketplace dedicated to antique and vintage dolls. It's like a fascinating side show with a dose of history, because it provides a glimpse into the daily lives of little girls from long ago and all over the world—France, Germany and parts of Asia, from Victorian times to the late 20th century—and what they cradled and shared fake tea with. Some baby dolls are straight-up ugly with faces that are hard to imagine a little 5-year-old “mother” could love, and others are as big as a 5-year-old. Who's buying those? Now that might be creepy. 501 N. 10th Street, (916) 446-1122, S.