Bent and whacked

Z. Rock’s “Zeke & Cheryl.” Ah, young love.
Even the busiest ghoul needs refreshment, so why not pause at the True Love Coffeehouse during your Halloween hijinks? The café’s current art show, Portraits Bent and Whacked, will keep you in the spirit with two-headed ghouls by Kassandra Grossman; detailed pencil drawings of bat-winged nymphs, Nosferatu and acid queens by Nicholas Roberts; and crazy portraits by Z. Rock. Take special note of Mallrat Adam Miller’s screaming heads, before they disappear into private collections. (His contribution to the show is sold out!) If you’re pressed for time, be careful when examining the abstract work of Jason Aldrich. One glance reveals a seething mass of eyes, faces and limbs. Look again and see nothing but graceful arcs. “You can stare at one of his drawings for five hours,” warns café owner Allyson Seconds, “and people do.” True Love can be found at 2406 J Street. Call 492-9002 for more information. You can see the show through Halloween.