Back to school: grown-ups edition

Illustration by Sarah Hansel
Amid the sundry bummers of growing up and moving past your schooling years, not getting a new Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper each fall is probably tops. Another drawback? Getting smarter and learning new stuff is entirely up to you (ugh!). But then there’s the perk of that whole autonomy thing that comes with adulthood, which means that when it comes to expanding your know-how, you can pick whatever tickles your fancy. Here are a few options to bone up on whatever subject you like this week:
Writers looking to get published (in other words, all of you): the Sacramento Writing Workshop is taking place on Friday, September 9, at the Courtyard Sacramento Midtown (4422 Y Street) from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Attendees will get access to classes and advice on navigating the publishing scene, as well as opportunities to pitch agents and editors. Writer’s Digest Books editor Chuck Sambuchino will be leading the charge. Tickets are $149-$247 and can be purchased by emailing Visit https://sacramentowriting for more info.
People who feel flower arrangements are puzzlingly expensive (in other words, all of us): Learn about a growing plan for cut flowers and different methods of arrangement at the Flower Arranging for the Home Gardener class, which takes place on Saturday, September 10, at 9:30 a.m. at the Schoolhouse at Soil Born Farms American River Ranch (2140 Chase Drive in Rancho Cordova). Visit
event/2558368 to register or call (916) 868-6399.
For you extra ambitious pupils out there, there’s the Meaning of Life Workshop on Tuesday, September 13, at 7 p.m. at the Holistic Light House (401 Vernon Street, Unit B, in Roseville). Life coach Tammy Adams will attempt to teach you what’s up with your self, love, career, health and more. Might as well? Admission is $50. Find out more at
Finally: Get deep into the local art scene with Verge Center for the Arts’ 11th annual Sac Open Studios. Spread over two weekends—September 10-11 and September 11-17—you can participate in self-guided tours of a bunch of artists’ studios and exhibitions. Start by attending the launch party on Thursday, September 8, for the preview exhibition that runs through September 29 at Verge Center for the Arts (625 S Street). Amid drinks, food and artist-mingling, you’ll be able to figure out which spots you want to hit up and plan the upcoming weeks accordingly. Visit to take a peek at the guide and find out more.