Autumn Sky, Katie Jane and Ricky Berger take over the mall!

Like a blond pied piper, Ricky Berger plays her tune and everyone follows her to the mall.
Malls are malls, they have their pluses and minuses—and there’s no pretending that the Downtown Plaza is a mall in limbo: There are a lot of vacant storefronts, and its future is uncertain. Enter local chanteuses Ricky Berger, Katie Jane and Autumn Sky: The three young ladies will lend their musical talents to this weekend’s Third Saturday, a monthly shopping and fashion event at Westfield’s Downtown Plaza, where you can score handmade and DIY crafts, check out local designers’ fashion wares during three catwalk shows, and enjoy tunes new and old by Berger, Jane and Sky. And, of course, shop, consume, spend.