Anti-Matsui missile

Republicans and Democrats alike are up in arms that the “Democratic machine” has all but handed the late Congressman Bob Matsui’s seat to his widow, Doris Matsui. That’s why I call on District 5 voters—Republican, Democrat, Green and independent—to agree to our own ABM treaty: Anyone but Matsui!
One needs only to see Doris Matsui in a public forum, listen to an interview or watch her campaign commercials to witness her disappointing lack of depth on the issues. Although she worked in the White House and as a lobbyist, Matsui offers little evidence that she is capable of grasping the tough issues that would face her as Sacramento’s key representative in Congress. She is no more prepared to hold office than any of those running against her.
An alternative for your vote is Serge Chernay, my personal favorite. His military and foreign-relations background qualifies him to serve during the war on terror. He’s actively reached out to Republicans, Democrats, ethnic minorities and the faith community. He would truly be a representative of all the people.
Or, vote for Julie Padilla. I’ve worked closely with Julie and can testify to the fact that she cares for people. Although she and I are on the opposite sides of many issues, I know her heart is in the right place. She is intelligent, articulate and, most importantly, not part of the Democratic machine.
Or, vote for Leonard Padilla. You never have to wonder what he’s thinking. He speaks his mind and dares anyone to try to shut him up. Sacramento couldn’t ask for a more aggressive advocate—or a more entertaining one—and you’ve gotta love the black hat!
You might even vote for Shane Singh. His only claim to fame is that he was a ball boy for the Sacramento Kings, but he’s still spent more time in Sacramento than has Matsui. Although she claims residency status, she has spent most of the last 25 years in D.C.
The fact is that all of these candidates deserve to represent Sacramento at least as much as Matsui does. Why should we let the political machine get to pick who represents us? So, throw aside your partisan differences and support me in endorsing Sacramento’s ABM treaty.