Another round? There's an app for that.
We know what you're thinking: A night out for drinks with friends shouldn't include widgets and appsits and whatsits. It's about the human interaction. The camaraderie. You out there to catch up, hook up and (sometimes) throw up—so, why bring technology into the equation? Well, we do it for the laughs, but, it turns out, that there are countless drinking apps out on the market. Check out these apps that'll make you drink and laugh more (and drunk dial less).
Untappd (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile; free download)
We couldn't make this list without mentioning the beer snob's go-to. Use Untappd to find out more about nearby beers and breweries, read your friend's reviews and, of course, brag about all the impossible-to-find beers you've been drinking.
101 Drinking Games (Android, 99 cents)
The makers of this app are a bunch of drunken liars: 101 Drinking Games actually boasts some 250 games to help get you and your friends soused. So, break out the cheap beer and liquor and get started. We hope you have insurance.
Drunk Dial NO! (iOS, 99 cents)
So much for handing your phone over to the bartender. This app will take his or her number out of your phone while you're out trying to move on with your friends. And if you're into benders, don't worry: The app blocks specified numbers for up to 48 hours.
BACtrack (iOS, free download)
Want to know if you've had enough? Then maybe you should download the BACtrack app and drop $149 for the accompanying mobile breathalyzer. Now you can tell if your buddy really is drunk, or if it's just a ruse to win poker tonight.
GotYa! (Android, $1.99)
We're sure that this security app is great for when some dirtbag steals your phone at the club, but the only reason we get this app is for the hilarious photos it takes of our drunk asses when we incorrectly type in the passwords to unlock our phones.