Amy Millan
Honey from the Tombs

Amy Millan’s day job is guitarist and co-lead vocalist for dreamy Montreal pop band Stars (whose single “Ageless Beauty,” theologians have conclusively proven, is the first song you hear as you enter the gates of heaven). On Honey from the Tombs, she steps out on her own with a set of songs written before she joined that band. Only the lead single, “Skinny Boy,” belongs in the same reverby, ethereal category as Stars’ music. The rest is strictly neo-folkie, near-country crooning. Without the symphonic bombast of her band, Millan’s voice comes across as humbler, rawer and a little sadder, but that could just be the subject matter. Milan coos her way through upbeat downers like “Losin’ You” with a beautiful weariness. A small and charming detour for one of indie rock’s smoothest vocalists.