All that and a bag of chips
Julia Stanley-Metz, contest finalist

Photo Courtesy of Julia Stanley-Metz
When Sacramento resident and stay-at-home mom Julia Stanley-Metz entered the Lay’s Do Us a Flavor contest—which lets people submit unique potato-chip flavor suggestions for a chance at winning a $1 million grand prize—she had no idea she would beat out over 14 million other entries. She’s landed herself in a whirlwind battle against other funky flavors, including Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger, Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese and Cappuccino. Her entry? Wavy Mango Salsa chips, inspired by her family’s Taco Tuesday nights. Now Stanley-Metz has lined the streets along her Arden-Arcade neighborhood with black picket signs that read #savemangosalsa and #doitforyourhometowngirl. She’s determined to win the million-dollar prize and use the winnings to launch a yoga and wellness program. The contest finalist chatted with SN&R about flavor combinations, morning talk shows and sea urchin.
What made you want to enter a potato-chip contest?
We were sitting around home having a bag of chips one night and saw the contest on the back of the bag. I like cooking, so I thought it would be something fun to try and find a way to let out all my ideas.
How did you think of your flavor idea?
[It was] inspired [by] our Taco Tuesday nights we have as a family. Shrimp tacos are my favorite food and my husband always makes salsa for them.
And that led to the mango salsa flavor?
Yeah, because when my husband started making mango salsa and perfected the recipe, I thought, “That’s a really good idea for the contest.” It’s a little bit sweet with some spice, but it’s not too spicy. Also, chips and salsa always go together, so I figured that it would be a good combination. You don’t necessarily have to be adventurous to like it, but it is still unique.
When did you find out you were a finalist?
I got an email after about a four-month wait, so I wasn’t even thinking about the contest anymore. It was a really nice surprise. I entered about 25 different entries, so I was pretty shocked that the first flavor I entered made it. When I got the email, I had to sign a confidentiality contract saying I wouldn’t tell anyone I was a finalist.
That’s crazy! How did you keep from spilling the beans?
I was allowed to tell my husband. I couldn’t tell anyone else because they had to wait until the chips were produced. It was actually fun to wait and keep the secret in the end, because the company had us reveal [that we were finalists] on Good Morning America. I took the video of it and sent it to all my friends to surprise them.
How did your kids react?
My oldest son [helped me] come up with ideas. Now he has been helping me take care of my daughter while I work on the campaign. My youngest daughter always asks for the chips in the morning, but I tell her those aren’t for breakfast.
How is the campaign going?
It is a very hard campaign. There’s Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. … Everyday I’m talking to people … telling them how to vote, giving out samples and trying to encourage people to vote.
What will you do with the money if you win? I want to create a yoga and wellness program to help take care of those who are caring for others. [Caregiving] is really taxing. A lot of times the caregivers get physically sick because of how demanding it is to care for someone full time.
What inspired that?
My dad has Alzheimer’s and my mother is his caregiver, so I’m working on this project in honor of my father. Seeing that inspired me to to do something for people who give everything, all of their energy and time to someone else. My favorite hobby is yoga, so I want to also share that with others.
Are chips your guilty pleasure, or do you go for something else when you have a craving?
I do like chips, especially when I can dip them in guacamole or salsa. What I really love are breakfast burritos and pizza.
There should be a pizza-flavored potato chip.
I didn’t think of that. You should enter it in next year’s contest.
Since we’re talking about food, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Sea urchin! I had it at a sushi restaurant a while ago. I only took one bite and then instantly spit it out. I didn’t care for it at all. … I tried to forget about it.