Alkaline Trio

Remains compiles all of the Alkaline Trio’s singles, covers and unreleased songs that didn’t make it onto their first singles collection. That’s right: This is their second singles collection. Who knew this band was so prolific? About a zillion young kids with black eyeliner and AK3 tattoos, that’s who. This CD-plus-DVD set is not just for the fanatics, though. The DVD features five well-made music videos plus live, backstage and behind-the-scenes footage. While the songs on the CD never made it onto any of the Trio’s full-length releases, they are all great, and some have been staples of the band’s live show for years. New fans will be able to appreciate the creepy, sarcastic, melodic punk gems found on Remains, and die-hards will appreciate having all these hard-to-find tracks on one CD.