Acai relief

Illustration by Mark Stivers

Just in time for sitting on the couch and watching way too much of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, I've discovered a new love of acai smoothies. Thankfully, frozen blended acai pulp—a popular food in Brazil with many touted health benefits—seems to be catching on in Sacramento. Places like the newly opened Cap City Squeeze Juice Bar (1426 14th Street) and Son of a Bean (1029 Del Paso Boulevard) recently started making acai bowls. They join other chain stores in Sacramento—including Jamba Juice and Robeks—in selling the cold fro-yo-like treat. “Its combination of antioxidants, amino acids and omega fatty acids all help slow the aging process by boosting immune and metabolic function and removing destructive free radicals from our bodies,” wrote certified nutritionist Lindsey Duncan on I have no idea what he's talking about. I just think the stuff tastes good—even if it's a tad sour and grainy.