A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

A lot of funny things happen on the way to the forum, most related to sex and mistaken identity. With some pretty good Sondheim songs, some better-than-pretty-good voices and a few updated jokes, this production from the Fair Oaks Theatre Festival is a night of frolicking, bawdy fun. Jeff Labowitch holds the show together with some really good singing and a comic sensibility, and he’s helped by a supporting cast that knows how to get a laugh.
Fair Oaks Theatre Festival, 8:30 p.m. Friday-Sunday and Thursday, July 17 and 24; $13-$15. Fair Oaks Veterans Memorial Amphitheatre, 7991 California Avenue in Fair Oaks; (916) 966-3683. www.fairoakstheatrefestival.com. Through July 27.