A different kind of food truck

Illustration by Mark Stivers
A lot of Sacramentans visit farmers markets for the fresh produce. It's not only a cheaper alternative to the supermarket, but in many cases, the produce comes from small organic farms, and it's often better for the farmer because it cuts out the middleman. But what about buying farm-fresh meat from another source? That’s a market a Spokane, Wash., company called Zaycon Foods is trying to explore and expand into numerous cities including Sacramento. Since 2009, its been hosting “sales events,” which are essentially pop-up shops featuring trucks full of various farm-fresh meats—chicken breast, smoked bacon, steak, turkey breast—parked in church parking lots. Sometimes there are produce items such as strawberries, peaches and milk as well. The consumer visits the website (www.zayconfoods.com), places an order, heads to a prearranged pop-up location and grabs the meat or produce from a truck.