A class at the library will help turn those DIY farm-to-fork dreams into a reality.

Illustration by Mark Stivers
There was a time when keeping small houseplants alive scared me. So the thought of growing my own vegetables, fruits and herbs never seemed like even a remote possibility until I figured out how easy container gardening is (about as easy as keeping a houseplant alive, actually). And now, even though I'm fortunate enough to have recently purchased a house with a ton of space for gardening, most of the things I grow successfully at home are still in small containers (it's cheaper, too). Don't take it from me, though. The University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners of Sacramento County (http://ucanr.org/sacmg) will host a container gardening class on Saturday, November 22 at the Southgate branch of the Sacramento Public Library (6132 66th Avenue). The free one-hour class (2 p.m. to 3 p.m.) will help people figure out the basics and how to get started. Visit www.saclibrary.org/home/events/?eventId=115847 for more information.