6th Day, The

In the near future, a happy family man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) stumbles onto a corporation that is illegally cloning humans—in fact, they’ve just cloned him! The script by Cormac Wibberley and Marianne Wibberley is dizzy and blithely farfetched, but the momentum of the novelty lasts for an hour or so. The Wibberleys eventually lose the thread of the story (frankly, it’s enough to drive anybody nuts), falling back on gunfire, explosions and the added bonus of two Arnolds for the price of one. Director Roger Spottiswoode keeps the film marching along with dutiful efficiency, even though the story eventually gets the best of him, just as it does the writers and star. Tony Goldwyn makes a suitably sinister villain, but Robert Duvall as the head scientist simply looks embarrassed.