420 Characters

Writing a complete story in fewer than 420 characters sounds like the pursuit of a either a madman or a literary genius. In 420 Characters, Lou Beach does just that, and he does it well. Beach, better known for his award-winning gallery pieces and album art, started 420 Characters as a series of Facebook updates. His stories here are lyrical, effervescent and whole. Each one leaves you wanting more, yet satisfied with what you have. Spend a few moments with a little man who lives in a pocket, or a child who goes to school with the king. A few stories here are forgettable, but most are striking. Punctuating the collection are collages by the author: fanciful, muted pieces that add to the peculiarly poetic mood of 420 Characters. This collection will undeniably leave you wishing every Facebook status held the same brevity, depth and creativity as these stories.