3 Days to Kill

Although the revolting 3 Days to Kill is basically a revamp of French au-turd Luc Besson's lousy 2013 film The Family, this movie is so awful it makes The Family seem good enough to have not been based on a Besson script. As supposedly directed by McG, 3 Days to Kill stars Kevin Costner as grizzled CIA killer-for-hire Ethan Renner. After learning he has inoperable cancer, Ethan reunites with his estranged wife and daughter, but a mysterious agent (Amber Heard, playing one of the most asinine characters in recent memory) lures him back with the promise of a life-saving cure. Ethan's ex-wife divorced him out of mortal fear, yet she immediately departs for a business trip the second he shows up, leaving her only daughter with this near-stranger and career murderer. “She's a good mother,” growls Ethan. Agree to disagree!