19th century baseball in Woodland

Saturday, March 23, 11am, Woodside Park, no cover

Millennials are killing the vintage baseball industry—help keep it alive.

Millennials are killing the vintage baseball industry—help keep it alive.


The game: baseball. The year of the rulebook: 1864—more than 150 years ago, in the middle of the Civil War. It’s the mission of Central Valley Vintage Base Ball to bring the 19th century version of America’s national pastime to the public, and that means you’re invited to join in the fun. With equipment, outfits and rules that are period-accurate, the historical reenactment recreates actual teams that existed in the Central Valley at the time. On this particular Saturday morning, you can catch or play in a double-header. Just show up an hour early to get acquainted with the rules and find a new home in an old sport. 1615 Cottonwood Street in Woodland, cvvbb.org.