Category: In The Mix - DVD/Video
Not so pretty in pink
A new documentary examines the link between breast-cancer awareness and the cult of “pink think.”
This article was published on 09.27.12
Desert of Forbidden Art
Filmmakers Amanda Pope and Tchavdar Georgiev bring this story to vivid life.
This article was published on 07.07.11
Battle: Los Angeles
Like punching yourself in the face while watching The Sands of Iwo Jima.
This article was published on 07.07.11
Kill the Irishman
Jonathan Hensleigh transforms Detroit into 1960s and 1970s Cleveland.
This article was published on 06.30.11
Sucker Punch
Zack Snyder makes a loud and ludicrously overstylized action film for once.
This article was published on 06.30.11
How I Ended This Summer
Writer-director Alexsei Popogrebsky won the Russian equivalent of the Oscar for this two-character psychological drama.
This article was published on 06.23.11

March 27, 2014
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 50

September 27, 2012
SN&R Vol 24 Issue 24

July 07, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 12

June 30, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 11

June 23, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 10