Category: Green House
Mama mia! It’s LEED-certified
Hot Italian will be Sacto’s first officially green commercial establishment.
This article was published on 02.05.09
Life cycles of buildings
Wherein the Eco-Warrior Princess reviews the importance of green building.
This article was published on 01.08.09
Fabulous darn building tour
Welcome to bling, blight and kicking beams at SN&R’s new building.
This article was published on 12.04.08
Take it to the toilets!
SN&R’s Eco-Warrior Princess tackles the controversy over dual-flush toilets.
This article was published on 11.20.08
Home health
Wherein the Eco-Warrior Princess plays hard-to-get—not!
This article was published on 11.06.08
The upside of pouting
Why SN&R’s new green building is, in fact, excitement-twinging!
This article was published on 10.23.08
Pesky details
Saramento’s green revolution is going strong, but there’s still scary stuff out there.
This article was published on 09.11.08
The great Lubinskis
Trustworthy? Eco-minded? Inexpensive? If yes, SN&R has found its HVAC soul mate.
This article was published on 09.04.08
Downsizing your digs
One Roseville couple finds small is beautiful.
This article was published on 08.28.08

February 05, 2009
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 46

January 08, 2009
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 42

December 04, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 37

November 20, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 35

November 06, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 33

October 23, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 31

October 02, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 28

September 11, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 25

September 04, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 24

August 28, 2008
SN&R Vol 20 Issue 23