Category: d'ART
Counting on human error
Michael Bishop’s artwork is personal, political, worldly and local.
This article was published on 10.06.11
Getting serious about art
Sacramento artist Janice Nakashima exhibits new work at Lumens Light + Living, and participates in Capitol Artists’ Studio Tour.
This article was published on 09.08.11
Cultural confluence
Juuri, a 27-year-old Japanese-American painter from Oklahoma, creates art influenced by both of her cultures.
This article was published on 08.11.11
Who’s a narcissist?
Lisa Alonzo enters the art world with narcissistic paintings good enough to eat.
This article was published on 07.07.11
Information overload
Hilary Pecis at the new Bows Gallery at Bows & Arrows.
This article was published on 06.09.11
The right light
The color palette of Mark L. Emerson’s jazzy abstract paintings reflects Sacramento’s atmosphere.
This article was published on 05.12.11
To live among the animals
Elliott Rogers lives in a tent, has two chickens, makes a lot of critter-inspired sculptures and is kind of like Snow White.
This article was published on 04.07.11
Captured abroad
Rick Murai led 14 photographers into Cambodia and Myanmar for a photographic workshop. See the results at Viewpoint Photographic Art Center.
This article was published on 03.10.11
Mirrored images
Angela Casagrande’s photography is being displayed at Fe Gallery through March 9.
This article was published on 02.10.11
Photographic memory
Louise Schiele reinvents her family history with her fiber art, inspired by old photographs.
This article was published on 01.06.11

October 06, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 25

September 08, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 21

August 11, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 17

July 07, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 12

June 09, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 8

May 12, 2011
SN&R Vol 23 Issue 4

April 07, 2011
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 51

March 10, 2011
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 47

February 10, 2011
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 43

January 06, 2011
SN&R Vol 22 Issue 38