Category: Bites
Ain’t no sunshine: the final Bites column
Ain’t no sunshine: the final Bites column.
This article was published on 07.30.15
‘Segregation' will happen if the city of Sacramento ditches inclusionary housing
’Segregation' is what will happen if the city of Sacramento ditches inclusionary housing.
This article was published on 07.23.15
K.J.’s email scheme
How the mayor's ‘bulletproof’ system to avoid public scrutiny might backfire.
This article was published on 07.16.15
K.J. Inc. strikes again
National media lifts curtain on inner-workings of mayor's public-private network.
This article was published on 06.11.15
Does Mayor Kevin Johnson's new downtown-housing plan actually bring new housing to the central city?
The mayor promises 10,000 new housing units downtown. But weren’t they already going to happen?
This article was published on 06.04.15
Same old news
A look at the ’reimagined’ Sacramento Bee—and more about that Kings arena lawsuit.
This article was published on 05.28.15
Mayor Kevin Johnson’s latest moves and mishaps prove more than worrisome
Mayor Kevin Johnson’s latest moves and mishaps prove more than worrisome.
This article was published on 05.21.15
Agents of shield
On the case of the Davis Vanguard and the Yolo County District Attorney.
This article was published on 05.14.15
Take a hike: SMUD aims to raise energy rates
SMUD looks to raise rates for the fourth time in as many years.
This article was published on 05.07.15

July 30, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 16

July 23, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 15

July 16, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 14

June 18, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 10

June 11, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 9

June 04, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 8

May 28, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 7

May 21, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 6

May 14, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 5

May 07, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 4